Chaucer did
compile this
booke as a
comfort to
himselfe after great griefs conceiued for some rash
attempts of the commons, with
whome he had ioyned, and thereby...
- enlarged.
Diuided into
fifteene chapters: what they are you may
partly conceiue by the contents. London:
Printed by Iohn Hauiland. 1627. That same year...
- for
youre credite and estimation, I
leaue your self to
hauing alwayes so well
conceiued of my
vnfained affection and
zeale towardes you. And nowe...
- Percy, this book
consists of a
collection of
short poems "most
parte conceiued in Italie, and some of them
brought foorth in England." It also contains...
Amsterdams varietie in religion. The
Church of
Englands veritie in religion.
Conceiued and
written by
Robert Carliell Gent." It was
dedicated "to all vertuous...
VVherein they that
either want
leisure to read, or that haue not
iudgement to
conceiue, or that are not able to buie the
learned treatises of
other concerning...
second sufficientlye setting foorth vnto vs Christians, what we are to
touching the
descension of our
Sauiour Christ into ****:
publiquely disputed...