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Annunciator An*nun"ci*a`tor, n. [L. annuntiator.]
1. One who announces. Specifically: An officer in the church
of Constantinople, whose business it was to inform the
people of the festivals to be celebrated.
2. An indicator (as in a hotel) which designates the room
where attendance is wanted.
Annunciatory An*nun"ci*a*to*ry, a.
Pertaining to, or containing, announcement; making known.
Appreciator Ap*pre"ci*a`tor, n.
One who appreciates.
AppreciatorilyAppreciatory Ap*pre"ci*a*to*ry, a.
Showing appreciation; appreciative; as, appreciatory
commendation. -- Ap*pre"ci*a*to*ri*ly, adv. AppreciatoryAppreciatory Ap*pre"ci*a*to*ry, a.
Showing appreciation; appreciative; as, appreciatory
commendation. -- Ap*pre"ci*a*to*ri*ly, adv. ConciatorConciator Con"ci*a`tor, n. [It. conciatore, fr. conciare to
adjust, dress, fr. L. comtus, p. p. See Compt, a.] (Glass
The person who weighs and proportions the materials to be
made into glass, and who works and tempers them. Denunciator
Denunciator De*nun"ci*a`tor, n. [L. denuntiator, -ciator, a
police officer.]
One who denounces, publishes, or proclaims, especially
intended or coming evil; one who threatens or accuses.
Denunciatory De*nun"ci*a*to*ry, a.
Characterized by or containing a denunciation; minatory;
accusing; threatening; as, severe and denunciatory language.
Depreciator De*pre"ci*a`tor, n. [L.]
One who depreciates.
Depreciatory De*pre"ci*a*to*ry, a.
Tending to depreciate; undervaluing; depreciative.
Enunciator E*nun"ci*a`tor, n. [L. enuntiator, enunciator.]
One who enunciates or proclaims.
Enunciatory E*nun"ci*a*to*ry, a.
Pertaining to, or containing, enunciation or utterance.
Officiator Of*fi"ci*a`tor, n.
One who officiates. --Tylor.
Pronunciator Pro*nun"ci*a`tor, n. [L., a reciter.]
One who pronounces; a pronouncer.
Pronunciatory Pro*nun"ci*a*to*ry, a.
Of or pertaining to pronunciation; that pronounces.
Renunciatory Re*nun"ci*a*to*ry (r?-n?n"sh?-?-t?-r?), a. [Cf.
LL. renuntiatorius.]
Pertaining to renunciation; containing or declaring a
renunciation; as, renunciatory vows.
Stiacciato Sti*ac*cia"to, n. [It., crushed, flattened.]
The lowest relief, -- often used in Italian sculpture of the
15th and 16th centuries.
Meaning of Ciato from wikipedia