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Cerebel Cer"e*bel, n.
The cerebellum. --Derham.
CerebellaCerebellum Cer`e*bel"lum, n.; pl. E. Cerebellums, L.
Cerebella. [L., dim. of cerebrum brain.] (Anat.)
The large lobe of the hind brain in front of and above the
medulla; the little brain. It controls combined muscular
action. See Brain. Cerebellar
Cerebellar Cer`e*bel"lar, Cerebellous Cer`e*bel"lous, a.
Pertaining to the cerebellum.
Cerebellar Cer`e*bel"lar, Cerebellous Cer`e*bel"lous, a.
Pertaining to the cerebellum.
CerebellumCerebellum Cer`e*bel"lum, n.; pl. E. Cerebellums, L.
Cerebella. [L., dim. of cerebrum brain.] (Anat.)
The large lobe of the hind brain in front of and above the
medulla; the little brain. It controls combined muscular
action. See Brain. CerebellumsCerebellum Cer`e*bel"lum, n.; pl. E. Cerebellums, L.
Cerebella. [L., dim. of cerebrum brain.] (Anat.)
The large lobe of the hind brain in front of and above the
medulla; the little brain. It controls combined muscular
action. See Brain. CerebraCerebrum Cer"e*brum, n.; pl. E. Cerebrums, L. Cerebra.
[L., the brain.] (Anat.)
The anterior, and in man the larger, division of the brain;
the seat of the reasoning faculties and the will. See
Brain. CerebralCerebral Cer"e*bral, n. [A false translation of the Skr.
m[=u]rdhanya, lit., head-sounds.]
One of a class of lingual consonants in the East Indian
languages. See Lingual, n.
Note: Prof. W. D. Whitney calls these letters linguals, and
this is their usual designation in the United States. Cerebral localizationLocalization Lo`cal*i*za"tion, n. [Cf. F. localisation.]
Act of localizing, or state of being localized.
Cerebral localization (Physiol.), the localization of the
control of special functions, as of sight or of the
various movements of the body, in special regions of the
brain. Cerebral softeningSoftening Sof"ten*ing,
a. & n. from Soften, v.
Softening of the brain, or Cerebral softening (Med.), a
localized softening of the brain substance, due to
hemorrhage or inflammation. Three varieties, distinguished
by their color and representing different stages of the
morbid process, are known respectively as red, yellow, and
white, softening. Cerebralism
Cerebralism Cer"e*bral*ism, n. (Philos.)
The doctrine or theory that psychical phenomena are functions
or products of the brain only.
Cerebralist Cer"e*bral*ist, n.
One who accepts cerebralism.
Cerebrate Cer"e*brate, v. i. (Physiol.)
To exhibit mental activity; to have the brain in action.
Cerebration Cer`e*bra"tion, n.
Action of the brain, whether conscious or unconscious.
CerebricCerebric Cer"e*bric, a.
Of, pertaining to, or derived from, the brain.
Cerebric acid (Physiol. Chem.), a name formerly sometimes
given to cerebrin. Cerebric acidCerebric Cer"e*bric, a.
Of, pertaining to, or derived from, the brain.
Cerebric acid (Physiol. Chem.), a name formerly sometimes
given to cerebrin. Cerebricity
Cerebricity Cer`e*bric"i*ty, n.
Brain power. [R.]
Cerebriform Ce*reb"ri*form, a. [Cerebrum + -form.]
Like the brain in form or substance.
Cerebrifugal Cer`e*brif"u*gal, a. [Cerebrum + L. fugere to
flee.] (Physiol.)
Applied to those nerve fibers which go from the brain to the
spinal cord, and so transfer cerebral impulses (centrifugal
impressions) outwards.
CerebrinCerebrin Cer"e*brin, n. [From Cerebrum.] (Physiol. Chem.)
A nonphosphorized, nitrogenous substance, obtained from brain
and nerve tissue by extraction with boiling alcohol. It is
uncertain whether it exists as such in nerve tissue, or is a
product of the decomposition of some more complex substance. Cerebripetal
Cerebripetal Cer`e*brip"e*tal, a. [Cerebrum + L. petere to
seek.] (Physiol.)
Applied to those nerve fibers which go from the spinal cord
to the brain and so transfer sensations (centripetal
impressions) from the exterior inwards.
Cerebritis Cer`e*bri"tis, n. [NL., fr. E. cerebrum + -itis.]
Inflammation of the cerebrum.
Cerebroid Cer"e*broid, a. [Cerebrum + -oid.]
Resembling, or analogous to, the cerebrum or brain.
Cerebrology Cer`e*brol"o*gy, n. [Cerebrum + -logy.]
The science which treats of the cerebrum or brain.
CerebropathyCerebropathy Cer`e*brop"a*thy, n. [Cerebrum + Gr. ?
suffering.] (Med.)
A hypochondriacal condition verging upon insanity, occurring
in those whose brains have been unduly taxed; -- called also
brain fag. Cerebroscopy
Cerebroscopy Cer`e*bros"co*py, n. [Cerebrum + -scopy.] (Med.)
Examination of the brain for the diagnosis of disease; esp.,
the act or process of diagnosticating the condition of the
brain by examination of the interior of the eye (as with an
ophthalmoscope). --Buck.
CerebroseCerebrose Cer`e*brose", n. [From Cerebrum.] (Physiol. Chem.)
A sugarlike body obtained by the decomposition of the
nitrogenous non-phosphorized principles of the brain. Cerebro-spinalCerebro-spinal Cer`e*bro-spi"nal, a. [Cerebrum + spinal.]
Of or pertaining to the central nervous system consisting of
the brain and spinal cord.
Cerebro-spinal fluid (Physiol.), a serous fluid secreted by
the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord.
Cerebro-spinal meningitis, Cerebro-spinal fever (Med.), a
dangerous epidemic, and endemic, febrile disease,
characterized by inflammation of the membranes of the
brain and spinal cord, giving rise to severe headaches,
tenderness of the back of the neck, paralysis of the
ocular muscles, etc. It is sometimes marked by a cutaneous
eruption, when it is often called spotted fever. It is not
contagious. Cerebro-spinal feverCerebro-spinal Cer`e*bro-spi"nal, a. [Cerebrum + spinal.]
Of or pertaining to the central nervous system consisting of
the brain and spinal cord.
Cerebro-spinal fluid (Physiol.), a serous fluid secreted by
the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord.
Cerebro-spinal meningitis, Cerebro-spinal fever (Med.), a
dangerous epidemic, and endemic, febrile disease,
characterized by inflammation of the membranes of the
brain and spinal cord, giving rise to severe headaches,
tenderness of the back of the neck, paralysis of the
ocular muscles, etc. It is sometimes marked by a cutaneous
eruption, when it is often called spotted fever. It is not
contagious. Cerebro-spinal fluidCerebro-spinal Cer`e*bro-spi"nal, a. [Cerebrum + spinal.]
Of or pertaining to the central nervous system consisting of
the brain and spinal cord.
Cerebro-spinal fluid (Physiol.), a serous fluid secreted by
the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord.
Cerebro-spinal meningitis, Cerebro-spinal fever (Med.), a
dangerous epidemic, and endemic, febrile disease,
characterized by inflammation of the membranes of the
brain and spinal cord, giving rise to severe headaches,
tenderness of the back of the neck, paralysis of the
ocular muscles, etc. It is sometimes marked by a cutaneous
eruption, when it is often called spotted fever. It is not
Meaning of Cereb from wikipedia