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Amanita muscariaAmanita Am`a*ni"ta, n. [NL. See Amanitine.] (Bot.)
A genus of poisonous fungi of the family Agaricace[ae],
characterized by having a volva, an annulus, and white
spores. The species resemble edible mushrooms, and are
frequently mistaken for them. Amanita muscaria, syn.
Agaricus muscarius, is the fly amanita, or fly agaric; and
A. phalloides is the death cup. Amanita muscariaFly amanita Fly amanita, Fly fungus Fly fungus . (Bot.)
A poisonous mushroom (Amanita muscaria, syn. Agaricus
muscarius), having usually a bright red or yellowish cap
covered with irregular white spots. It has a distinct volva
at the base, generally an upper ring on the stalk, and white
spores. Called also fly agaric, deadly amanita. Antiaris toxicariaUpas U"pas, n. [Malay p?hn-?pas; p?hn a tree + ?pas poison.]
1. (Bot.) A tree (Antiaris toxicaria) of the Breadfruit
family, common in the forests of Java and the neighboring
islands. Its secretions are poisonous, and it has been
fabulously reported that the atmosphere about it is
deleterious. Called also bohun upas. Antiaris toxicariaAntiar An"ti*ar, n. [Jav. antjar.]
A Virulent poison prepared in Java from the gum resin of one
species of the upas tree (Antiaris toxicaria). Araucaria
Araucaria Ar`au*ca"ri*a, n. [Araucania, a territory south of
Chili.] (Bot.)
A genus of tall conifers of the pine family. The species are
confined mostly to South America and Australia. The wood
cells differ from those of other in having the dots in their
lateral surfaces in two or three rows, and the dots of
contiguous rows alternating. The seeds are edible.
Araucaria excelsaPine Pine, n. [AS. p[=i]n, L. pinus.]
1. (Bot.) Any tree of the coniferous genus Pinus. See
Note: There are about twenty-eight species in the United
States, of which the white pine (P. Strobus), the
Georgia pine (P. australis), the red pine (P.
resinosa), and the great West Coast sugar pine (P.
Lambertiana) are among the most valuable. The Scotch
pine or fir, also called Norway or Riga pine
(Pinus sylvestris), is the only British species. The
nut pine is any pine tree, or species of pine, which
bears large edible seeds. See Pinon. The spruces,
firs, larches, and true cedars, though formerly
considered pines, are now commonly assigned to other
2. The wood of the pine tree.
3. A pineapple.
Ground pine. (Bot.) See under Ground.
Norfolk Island pine (Bot.), a beautiful coniferous tree,
the Araucaria excelsa.
Pine barren, a tract of infertile land which is covered
with pines. [Southern U.S.]
Pine borer (Zo["o]l.), any beetle whose larv[ae] bore into
pine trees.
Pine finch. (Zo["o]l.) See Pinefinch, in the Vocabulary.
Pine grosbeak (Zo["o]l.), a large grosbeak (Pinicola
enucleator), which inhabits the northern parts of both
hemispheres. The adult male is more or less tinged with
Pine lizard (Zo["o]l.), a small, very active, mottled gray
lizard (Sceloporus undulatus), native of the Middle
States; -- called also swift, brown scorpion, and
Pine marten. (Zo["o]l.)
(a) A European weasel (Mustela martes), called also
sweet marten, and yellow-breasted marten.
(b) The American sable. See Sable.
Pine moth (Zo["o]l.), any one of several species of small
tortricid moths of the genus Retinia, whose larv[ae]
burrow in the ends of the branchlets of pine trees, often
doing great damage.
Pine mouse (Zo["o]l.), an American wild mouse (Arvicola
pinetorum), native of the Middle States. It lives in pine
Pine needle (Bot.), one of the slender needle-shaped leaves
of a pine tree. See Pinus.
Pine-needle wool. See Pine wool (below).
Pine oil, an oil resembling turpentine, obtained from fir
and pine trees, and used in making varnishes and colors.
Pine snake (Zo["o]l.), a large harmless North American
snake (Pituophis melanoleucus). It is whitish, covered
with brown blotches having black margins. Called also
bull snake. The Western pine snake (P. Sayi) is
chestnut-brown, mottled with black and orange.
Pine tree (Bot.), a tree of the genus Pinus; pine.
Pine-tree money, money coined in Massachusetts in the
seventeenth century, and so called from its bearing a
figure of a pine tree.
Pine weevil (Zo["o]l.), any one of numerous species of
weevils whose larv[ae] bore in the wood of pine trees.
Several species are known in both Europe and America,
belonging to the genera Pissodes, Hylobius, etc.
Pine wool, a fiber obtained from pine needles by steaming
them. It is prepared on a large scale in some of the
Southern United States, and has many uses in the economic
arts; -- called also pine-needle wool, and pine-wood
wool. Araucarian
Araucarian Ar`au*ca"ri*an, a.
Relating to, or of the nature of, the Araucaria. The earliest
conifers in geological history were mostly Araucarian.
Ascariasis As`ca*ri"a*sis, n. [NL., fr. Gr. ? an intestinal
worm.] (Med.)
A disease, usually accompanied by colicky pains and diarrhea,
caused by the presence of ascarids in the gastrointestinal
Buphane toxicariaOxbane Ox"bane`, n. (Bot.)
A poisonous bulbous plant (Buphane toxicaria) of the Cape
of Good Hope. CalcariaCalcar Cal"car, n.; L. pl. Calcaria. [L., a spur, as worn on
the heel, also the spur of a cock, fr. calx, calcis, the
1. (Bot.) A hollow tube or spur at the base of a petal or
2. (Zo["o]l.) A slender bony process from the ankle joint of
bats, which helps to support the posterior part of the
web, in flight.
3. (Anat.)
(a) A spur, or spurlike prominence.
(b) A curved ridge in the floor of the leteral ventricle
of the brain; the calcar avis, hippocampus minor, or
ergot. CariamaCariama [,C]a`ri*a"ma (s[aum]`r[-e]*[.a]"m[.a]), n. [Native
name.] (Zo["o]l.)
A large, long-legged South American bird (Dicholophus
cristatus) which preys upon snakes, etc. See Seriema. CercariaCercaria Cer*ca"ri*a, n.; pl. Cercarle [NL., fr. Gr. ?
tail.] (Zo["o]l.)
The larval form of a trematode worm having the shape of a
tadpole, with its body terminated by a tail-like appendage. Cercarian
Cercarian Cer*ca"ri*an, a. (Zo["o]l.)
Of, like, or pertaining to, the Cercari[ae]. -- n. One of the
Cervus or Cariacus ColumbianusBlacktail Black"tail`, n. [Black + tail.]
1. (Zo["o]l.) A fish; the ruff or pope.
2. (Zo["o]l.) The black-tailed deer (Cervus or Cariacus
Columbianus) of California and Oregon; also, the mule
deer of the Rocky Mountains. See Mule deer. Cervus or Cariacus macrotisMule Mule (m[=u]l), n. [F., a she-mule, L. mula, fem. of
mulus; cf. Gr. my`klos, mychlo`s. Cf. AS. m[=u]l, fr. L.
mulus. Cf. Mulatto.]
1. (Zo["o]l.) A hybrid animal; specifically, one generated
between an ass and a mare, sometimes a horse and a
she-ass. See Hinny.
Note: Mules are much used as draught animals. They are hardy,
and proverbial for stubbornness.
2. (Bot.) A plant or vegetable produced by impregnating the
pistil of one species with the pollen or fecundating dust
of another; -- called also hybrid.
3. A very stubborn person.
4. A machine, used in factories, for spinning cotton, wool,
etc., into yarn or thread and winding it into cops; --
called also jenny and mule-jenny.
Mule armadillo (Zo["o]l.), a long-eared armadillo (Tatusia
hybrida), native of Buenos Aires; -- called also mulita.
See Illust. under Armadillo.
Mule deer (Zo["o]l.), a large deer (Cervus, or Cariacus,
macrotis) of the Western United States. The name refers
to its long ears.
Mule pulley (Mach.), an idle pulley for guiding a belt
which transmits motion between shafts that are not
Mule twist, cotton yarn in cops, as spun on a mule; -- in
distinction from yarn spun on a throstle frame. Dicholophus or Cariama cristataSeriema Ser`i*e"ma, n. [Native name.] (Zo["o]l.)
A large South American bird (Dicholophus, or Cariama
cristata) related to the cranes. It is often domesticated.
Called also cariama. Icarian
Icarian I*ca"ri*an, a. [L. Icarius, Gr. ?, fr. ?, the mythic
son of D[ae]dalus, who, when flying from Crete on wings
cemented with wax, mounted so high that the sun melted the
wax, and he fell into the sea.]
Soaring too high for safety, like Icarus; adventurous in
Lythrum SalicariaWillow-herb Wil"low-herb`, n. (Bot.)
A perennial herb (Epilobium spicatum) with narrow
willowlike leaves and showy rose-purple flowers. The name is
sometimes made to include other species of the same genus.
Spiked willow-herb, a perennial herb (Lythrum Salicaria)
with willowy leaves and spiked purplish flowers. Manicaria PlukenetiiSea apple Sea" ap"ple (Bot.)
The fruit of a West Indian palm (Manicaria Plukenetii),
often found floating in the sea. --A. Grisebach. Picariae
Picariae Pi*ca"ri*[ae], n. pl. [NL., fr. L. picus a
woodpecker.] (Zo["o]l.)
An extensive division of birds which includes the
woodpeckers, toucans, trogons, hornbills, kingfishers,
motmots, rollers, and goatsuckers. By some writers it is made
to include also the cuckoos, swifts, and humming birds.
Picarian Pi*ca"ri*an, a. (Zo["o]l.)
Of or pertaining to Picari[ae]. -- n. One of the Picari[ae].
Q imbricariaOak Oak ([=o]k), n. [OE. oke, ok, ak, AS. [=a]c; akin to D.
eik, G. eiche, OHG. eih, Icel. eik, Sw. ek, Dan. eeg.]
1. (Bot.) Any tree or shrub of the genus Quercus. The oaks
have alternate leaves, often variously lobed, and
staminate flowers in catkins. The fruit is a smooth nut,
called an acorn, which is more or less inclosed in a
scaly involucre called the cup or cupule. There are now
recognized about three hundred species, of which nearly
fifty occur in the United States, the rest in Europe,
Asia, and the other parts of North America, a very few
barely reaching the northern parts of South America and
Africa. Many of the oaks form forest trees of grand
proportions and live many centuries. The wood is usually
hard and tough, and provided with conspicuous medullary
rays, forming the silver grain.
2. The strong wood or timber of the oak.
Note: Among the true oaks in America are:
Barren oak, or
Black-jack, Q. nigra.
Basket oak, Q. Michauxii.
Black oak, Q. tinctoria; -- called also yellow or
quercitron oak.
Bur oak (see under Bur.), Q. macrocarpa; -- called also
over-cup or mossy-cup oak.
Chestnut oak, Q. Prinus and Q. densiflora.
Chinquapin oak (see under Chinquapin), Q. prinoides.
Coast live oak, Q. agrifolia, of California; -- also
called enceno.
Live oak (see under Live), Q. virens, the best of all
for shipbuilding; also, Q. Chrysolepis, of California.
Pin oak. Same as Swamp oak.
Post oak, Q. obtusifolia.
Red oak, Q. rubra.
Scarlet oak, Q. coccinea.
Scrub oak, Q. ilicifolia, Q. undulata, etc.
Shingle oak, Q. imbricaria.
Spanish oak, Q. falcata.
Swamp Spanish oak, or
Pin oak, Q. palustris.
Swamp white oak, Q. bicolor.
Water oak, Q. aguatica.
Water white oak, Q. lyrata.
Willow oak, Q. Phellos. Among the true oaks in Europe
Bitter oak, or
Turkey oak, Q. Cerris (see Cerris).
Cork oak, Q. Suber.
English white oak, Q. Robur.
Evergreen oak,
Holly oak, or
Holm oak, Q. Ilex.
Kermes oak, Q. coccifera.
Nutgall oak, Q. infectoria.
Note: Among plants called oak, but not of the genus
Quercus, are:
African oak, a valuable timber tree (Oldfieldia
Australian, or She, oak, any tree of the genus
Casuarina (see Casuarina).
Indian oak, the teak tree (see Teak).
Jerusalem oak. See under Jerusalem.
New Zealand oak, a sapindaceous tree (Alectryon
Poison oak, the poison ivy. See under Poison. Ranunculus FicariaPilewort Pile"wort`, n. (Bot.)
A plant (Ranunculus Ficaria of Linn[ae]us) whose tuberous
roots have been used in poultices as a specific for the
piles. --Forsyth. SuburbicarianSuburbicarian Sub*ur`bi*ca"ri*an, Suburbicary
Sub*ur"bi*ca*ry, a. [LL. suburbicarius, equiv. to L.
suburbanus: cf. F. suburbicaire. See Suburban.]
Being in the suburbs; -- applied to the six dioceses in the
suburbs of Rome subject to the pope as bishop of Rome.
The pope having stretched his authority beyond the
bounds of his suburbicarian precincts. --Barrow. Uncaria GambirGambier Gam"bier, n. [Malayan.]
(a) The inspissated juice of a plant (Uncaria Gambir)
growing in Malacca. It is a powerful astringent, and,
under the name of Terra Japonica, is used for chewing
with the Areca nut, and is exported for tanning and
(b) Catechu. [Written also gambeer and gambir.] UrticariaUrticaria Ur`ti*ca"ri*a, n. [NL. See Urtica.] (Med.)
The nettle rash, a disease characterized by a transient
eruption of red pimples and of wheals, accompanied with a
burning or stinging sensation and with itching; uredo. VesicariaBladder Blad"der, n. [OE. bladder, bleddre, AS. bl?dre,
bl?ddre; akin to Icel. bla?ra, SW. bl["a]ddra, Dan. bl[ae]re,
D. blaar, OHG. bl[=a]tara the bladder in the body of animals,
G. blatter blister, bustule; all fr. the same root as AS.
bl[=a]wan, E. blow, to puff. See Blow to puff.]
1. (Anat.) A bag or sac in animals, which serves as the
receptacle of some fluid; as, the urinary bladder; the
gall bladder; -- applied especially to the urinary
bladder, either within the animal, or when taken out and
inflated with air.
2. Any vesicle or blister, especially if filled with air, or
a thin, watery fluid.
3. (Bot.) A distended, membranaceous pericarp.
4. Anything inflated, empty, or unsound. ``To swim with
bladders of philosophy.' --Rochester.
Bladder nut, or Bladder tree (Bot.), a genus of plants
(Staphylea) with bladderlike seed pods.
Bladder pod (Bot.), a genus of low herbs (Vesicaria) with
inflated seed pods.
Bladdor senna (Bot.), a genus of shrubs (Colutea), with
membranaceous, inflated pods.
Bladder worm (Zo["o]l.), the larva of any species of
tapeworm (T[ae]nia), found in the flesh or other parts
of animals. See Measle, Cysticercus.
Bladder wrack (Bot.), the common black rock weed of the
seacoast (Fucus nodosus and F. vesiculosus) -- called
also bladder tangle. See Wrack. Vicarial
Vicarial Vi*ca"ri*al, a. [Cf. F. vicarial.]
1. Of or pertaining to a vicar; as, vicarial tithes.
2. Delegated; vicarious; as, vicarial power.
Meaning of Caria from wikipedia
Caria (/ˈkɛəriə/; from Gr****: Καρία, Karia; Turkish: Karya) was a
region of
western Anatolia extending along the
coast from mid-Ionia (Mycale)
south to...
- Look up
Caria or
caria in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
Caria was an
ancient region of Asia Minor.
Caria may also
refer to:
Caria (Moimenta da Beira)...
Artemisia I of
Caria (Ancient Gr****: Ἀρτεμισία; fl. 480 BC) was a
queen of the
ancient Gr**** city-state of Halicarn****us,
which is now in Bodrum, present-day...
- Gr****: Κᾶρες, Kares,
plural of Κάρ, Kar) were the
ancient inhabitants of
Caria in
southwest Anatolia, who
spoke the
Carian language. It is not
clear when...
- Ada of
Caria (Ancient Gr****: Ἄδα) (fl. 377 – 326 BC) was a
member of the
House of
Hecatomnus (the Hecatomnids) and
ruler of
Caria during the mid-4th century...
Artemisia of
Caria may
refer to:
Artemisia I of
Caria (fl. 480 BC),
queen of Halicarn****us
under the
First Persian Empire,
naval commander during the second...
Caria is a
genus in the
family Riodinidae. They are
resident in the Americas.
Caria castalia (Ménétriés, 1855)
Brazil et au Peru.
Caria chrysame (Hewitson...
- Gr****: Μαύσωλος or Μαύσσωλλος, Carian: [𐊪𐊠]𐊲𐊸𐊫𐊦 Mauśoλ) was a
ruler of
Caria (377–353 BCE) and a
satrap of the
Achaemenid Empire. He enjo**** the status...
Telmissos (Ancient Gr****: Τελμησσός or Τελμισσός), was a town in
ancient Caria. Its site is
tentatively located at the
remains near Görece in
Asiatic Turkey...
- 𐊴𐊠𐊥𐊵𐊫𐊰 alos k̂arnos) was an
ancient Gr**** city in
Caria, in Anatolia. It was
located in
southwest Caria, on an
advantageous site on the Gulf of Gökova,...