- (Ukrainian: 3-тя окрема штурмова бригада, romanized: 3-tya
okrema shturmova bryhada) is a
brigade of the
Ukrainian Ground Forces formed in 2022. The brigade...
- (Ukrainian: 100 окрема механізована бригада, romanized: 100
okrema mekhanizovana bryhada),
formally 100th
Volyn Defense Brigade, is a
formation of the Ukrainian...
- 141-ша окрема механізована бригада, romanized: 141-sha
okrema mekhanizovana bryhada), is a
formation of the
Ukrainian Ground Forces formed on 15
February 2023...
- 67-та окрема механізована бригада, romanized: 67
okrema mekhanizovana bryhada) is a
formation of the
Ukrainian Ground Forces created in 2022. The brigade...
- бригада імені гетьмана Богдана Хмельницького, romanized: Okrema
prezydentska bryhada imeni hetmana Bohdana Khmelnytskoho) is a
special military unit of Ukraine...
- (Ukrainian: 59-та окрема мотопіхотна бригада, romanized: 59
okrema motopikhotna bryhada) is a
formation of the
Unmanned Systems Forces formed in 2014 as part of...
- (Ukrainian: Канадсько-українська бригада, romanized: Kanadśko-ukrajinśka
bryhada) is a unit
belonging to the
International Legion of
Territorial Defence...
- (Ukrainian: 38-ма окрема бригада морської піхоти, romanized: 38-ma
okrema bryhada morsʹkoyi pikhoty; 38 ОБрМП, unit
number A4765), is a
marine infantry brigade...
- The
Norman Brigade (Ukrainian: Норманська бригада, romanized: Normansʹka
Bryhada) is a
foreign unit
composed of
foreign volunteers that was
formed in early...
- (Ukrainian: 5-та окрема штурмова бригада, romanized: 5-ta
okrema shturmova bryhada) is a
brigade of the
Ukrainian Ground Forces formed in 2022 as a response...