- mantilla,
mantle †mantellum mantell- m**** manu- hand amanuensis, Bimana,
bimanous, bimanual, mainour, maintain, manacle, manage, manageable, management,...
semipermanent man-, manu- hand
Latin m**** adminicle, amanuensis, Bimana,
bimanous, bimanual, eman****te, mainour, maintain, manacle, manage, manageable,...
semipermanent man-, manu- hand
Latin m**** adminicle, amanuensis, Bimana,
bimanous, bimanual, eman****te, mainour, maintain, manacle, manage, manageable,...
Manner of
Closure of the Auriculo-Ventricular
Valves (1861) Not Like Man,
Bimanous and Biped, nor yet Quadrumanous, but
Cheiropodous (1863)
Lines of Demarcation...