beloved wife, and Sr
Raynold Bray, knyght, and in my
mooste humble wise
beseche my said
soverayne lorde the kyng and the
quenes grace, my lady the kynges...
continues with this end
rhyme in
order to mock Mercy's
ornate speech: I
beseche yow hertyly, leve yowr calcacyon. Leve yowr chaffe, leve yowr corn, leve...
- and unto whom alle
wille spekith, and unto whom no privé
thing is hid: I
beseche thee so for to
clense the
entent of myn
heart with the
unspekable gift...
- in the
matier of the Trinite, if I haue said owt
othir than autentik, I
beseche you all to amen de it,
which þat haue
kunnyng in þat
matier more than haue...
- Gray
howndis and my
Crosbowe with all
things thereto belongyng, And I
beseche hym to
accepte this
lytell gyfte, for if I hade eny
other thinge of pleasure...