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Bitangent Bi*tan"gent, a. [Pref. bi- + tangent.] (Geom.)
Possessing the property of touching at two points. -- n. A
line that touches a curve in two points.
CotangentCotangent Co*tan"gent (k?-t?n"jent), n. [For co. tangens, an
abbrev. of L. complementi tangens. See Tangent.] (Trig.)
The tangent of the complement of an arc or angle. See Illust.
of Functions. FrangentFrangent Fran"gent, a. [L. frangens, p. pr. of frangere. See
Causing fracture; breaking. [R.] --H. Walpole. Natural tangentTangent Tan"gent, n. [L. tangens, -entis, p. pr. of tangere to
touch; akin to Gr. ? having seized: cf. F. tangente. Cf.
Attain, Contaminate, Contingent, Entire, Tact,
Taste, Tax, v. t.] (Geom.)
A tangent line curve, or surface; specifically, that portion
of the straight line tangent to a curve that is between the
point of tangency and a given line, the given line being, for
example, the axis of abscissas, or a radius of a circle
produced. See Trigonometrical function, under Function.
Artificial, or Logarithmic, tangent, the logarithm of
the natural tangent of an arc.
Natural tangent, a decimal expressing the length of the
tangent of an arc, the radius being reckoned unity.
Tangent galvanometer (Elec.), a form of galvanometer having
a circular coil and a short needle, in which the tangent
of the angle of deflection of the needle is proportional
to the strength of the current.
Tangent of an angle, the natural tangent of the arc
subtending or measuring the angle.
Tangent of an arc, a right line, as ta, touching the arc of
a circle at one extremity a, and terminated by a line ct,
passing from the center through the other extremity o. Pangenesis
Pangenesis Pan*gen"e*sis, n. [Pan- + genesis.] (Biol.)
An hypothesis advanced by Darwin in explanation of heredity.
Note: The theory rests on the assumption, that the whole
organization, in the sense of every separate atom or
unit, reproduces itself, the cells throwing off minute
granules called gemmules, which circulate freely
throughout the system and multiply by subdivision.
These gemmules collect in the reproductive organs and
products, or in buds, so that the egg or bud contains
gemmules from all parts of the parent or parents, which
in development give rise to cells in the offspring
similar to those from which they were given off in the
parent. The hypothesis also assumes that these gemmules
need not in all cases develop into cells, but may lie
dormant, and be transmitted from generation to
generation without producing a noticeable effect until
a case of atavism occurs.
Pangenetic Pan`ge*net"ic, a. (Biol.)
Of or pertaining to pangenesis.
Plangency Plan"gen*cy, n.
The quality or state of being plangent; a beating sound. [R.]
PlangentPlangent Plan"gent, a. [L. plangens, -entis, fr. plangere to
beat. See Plaint.]
Beating; dashing, as a wave. [R.] ``The plangent wave.' --H.
Taylor. Semitangent
Semitangent Sem"i*tan`gent, n. (Geom.)
The tangent of half an arc.
Strangeness Strange"ness, n.
The state or quality of being strange (in any sense of the
Subtangent Sub*tan"gent, n. (Geom.)
The part of the axis contained between the ordinate and
tangent drawn to the same point in a curve.
Tangence Tan"gence, n.
Tangency. [R.]
Tangency Tan"gen*cy, n.
The quality or state of being tangent; a contact or touching.
TangentTangent Tan"gent, n. [L. tangens, -entis, p. pr. of tangere to
touch; akin to Gr. ? having seized: cf. F. tangente. Cf.
Attain, Contaminate, Contingent, Entire, Tact,
Taste, Tax, v. t.] (Geom.)
A tangent line curve, or surface; specifically, that portion
of the straight line tangent to a curve that is between the
point of tangency and a given line, the given line being, for
example, the axis of abscissas, or a radius of a circle
produced. See Trigonometrical function, under Function.
Artificial, or Logarithmic, tangent, the logarithm of
the natural tangent of an arc.
Natural tangent, a decimal expressing the length of the
tangent of an arc, the radius being reckoned unity.
Tangent galvanometer (Elec.), a form of galvanometer having
a circular coil and a short needle, in which the tangent
of the angle of deflection of the needle is proportional
to the strength of the current.
Tangent of an angle, the natural tangent of the arc
subtending or measuring the angle.
Tangent of an arc, a right line, as ta, touching the arc of
a circle at one extremity a, and terminated by a line ct,
passing from the center through the other extremity o. tangentTangent Tan"gent, n. [L. tangens, -entis, p. pr. of tangere to
touch; akin to Gr. ? having seized: cf. F. tangente. Cf.
Attain, Contaminate, Contingent, Entire, Tact,
Taste, Tax, v. t.] (Geom.)
A tangent line curve, or surface; specifically, that portion
of the straight line tangent to a curve that is between the
point of tangency and a given line, the given line being, for
example, the axis of abscissas, or a radius of a circle
produced. See Trigonometrical function, under Function.
Artificial, or Logarithmic, tangent, the logarithm of
the natural tangent of an arc.
Natural tangent, a decimal expressing the length of the
tangent of an arc, the radius being reckoned unity.
Tangent galvanometer (Elec.), a form of galvanometer having
a circular coil and a short needle, in which the tangent
of the angle of deflection of the needle is proportional
to the strength of the current.
Tangent of an angle, the natural tangent of the arc
subtending or measuring the angle.
Tangent of an arc, a right line, as ta, touching the arc of
a circle at one extremity a, and terminated by a line ct,
passing from the center through the other extremity o. TangentTangent Tan"gent, a. [L. tangens, -entis, p. pr.]
Touching; touching at a single point; specifically (Geom.)
meeting a curve or surface at a point and having at that
point the same direction as the curve or surface; -- said of
a straight line, curve, or surface; as, a line tangent to a
curve; a curve tangent to a surface; tangent surfaces.
Tangent plane (Geom.), a plane which touches a surface in a
point or line.
Tangent scale (Gun.), a kind of breech sight for a cannon.
Tangent screw (Mach.), an endless screw; a worm. Tangent galvanometerTangent Tan"gent, n. [L. tangens, -entis, p. pr. of tangere to
touch; akin to Gr. ? having seized: cf. F. tangente. Cf.
Attain, Contaminate, Contingent, Entire, Tact,
Taste, Tax, v. t.] (Geom.)
A tangent line curve, or surface; specifically, that portion
of the straight line tangent to a curve that is between the
point of tangency and a given line, the given line being, for
example, the axis of abscissas, or a radius of a circle
produced. See Trigonometrical function, under Function.
Artificial, or Logarithmic, tangent, the logarithm of
the natural tangent of an arc.
Natural tangent, a decimal expressing the length of the
tangent of an arc, the radius being reckoned unity.
Tangent galvanometer (Elec.), a form of galvanometer having
a circular coil and a short needle, in which the tangent
of the angle of deflection of the needle is proportional
to the strength of the current.
Tangent of an angle, the natural tangent of the arc
subtending or measuring the angle.
Tangent of an arc, a right line, as ta, touching the arc of
a circle at one extremity a, and terminated by a line ct,
passing from the center through the other extremity o. Tangent galvanometerGalvanometer Gal`va*nom"e*ter, n. [Galvanic + -meter: cf. F.
galvanom[`e]tre.] (Elec.)
An instrument or apparatus for measuring the intensity of an
electric current, usually by the deflection of a magnetic
Differential galvanometer. See under Differental, a.
Sine galvanometer, Cosine galvanometer, Tangent
galvanometer (Elec.), a galvanometer in which the sine,
cosine, or tangent respectively, of the angle through
which the needle is deflected, is proportional to the
strength of the current passed through the instrument. Tangent of an angleTangent Tan"gent, n. [L. tangens, -entis, p. pr. of tangere to
touch; akin to Gr. ? having seized: cf. F. tangente. Cf.
Attain, Contaminate, Contingent, Entire, Tact,
Taste, Tax, v. t.] (Geom.)
A tangent line curve, or surface; specifically, that portion
of the straight line tangent to a curve that is between the
point of tangency and a given line, the given line being, for
example, the axis of abscissas, or a radius of a circle
produced. See Trigonometrical function, under Function.
Artificial, or Logarithmic, tangent, the logarithm of
the natural tangent of an arc.
Natural tangent, a decimal expressing the length of the
tangent of an arc, the radius being reckoned unity.
Tangent galvanometer (Elec.), a form of galvanometer having
a circular coil and a short needle, in which the tangent
of the angle of deflection of the needle is proportional
to the strength of the current.
Tangent of an angle, the natural tangent of the arc
subtending or measuring the angle.
Tangent of an arc, a right line, as ta, touching the arc of
a circle at one extremity a, and terminated by a line ct,
passing from the center through the other extremity o. Tangent of an arcTangent Tan"gent, n. [L. tangens, -entis, p. pr. of tangere to
touch; akin to Gr. ? having seized: cf. F. tangente. Cf.
Attain, Contaminate, Contingent, Entire, Tact,
Taste, Tax, v. t.] (Geom.)
A tangent line curve, or surface; specifically, that portion
of the straight line tangent to a curve that is between the
point of tangency and a given line, the given line being, for
example, the axis of abscissas, or a radius of a circle
produced. See Trigonometrical function, under Function.
Artificial, or Logarithmic, tangent, the logarithm of
the natural tangent of an arc.
Natural tangent, a decimal expressing the length of the
tangent of an arc, the radius being reckoned unity.
Tangent galvanometer (Elec.), a form of galvanometer having
a circular coil and a short needle, in which the tangent
of the angle of deflection of the needle is proportional
to the strength of the current.
Tangent of an angle, the natural tangent of the arc
subtending or measuring the angle.
Tangent of an arc, a right line, as ta, touching the arc of
a circle at one extremity a, and terminated by a line ct,
passing from the center through the other extremity o. Tangent planeTangent Tan"gent, a. [L. tangens, -entis, p. pr.]
Touching; touching at a single point; specifically (Geom.)
meeting a curve or surface at a point and having at that
point the same direction as the curve or surface; -- said of
a straight line, curve, or surface; as, a line tangent to a
curve; a curve tangent to a surface; tangent surfaces.
Tangent plane (Geom.), a plane which touches a surface in a
point or line.
Tangent scale (Gun.), a kind of breech sight for a cannon.
Tangent screw (Mach.), an endless screw; a worm. Tangent scaleTangent Tan"gent, a. [L. tangens, -entis, p. pr.]
Touching; touching at a single point; specifically (Geom.)
meeting a curve or surface at a point and having at that
point the same direction as the curve or surface; -- said of
a straight line, curve, or surface; as, a line tangent to a
curve; a curve tangent to a surface; tangent surfaces.
Tangent plane (Geom.), a plane which touches a surface in a
point or line.
Tangent scale (Gun.), a kind of breech sight for a cannon.
Tangent screw (Mach.), an endless screw; a worm. Tangent screwTangent Tan"gent, a. [L. tangens, -entis, p. pr.]
Touching; touching at a single point; specifically (Geom.)
meeting a curve or surface at a point and having at that
point the same direction as the curve or surface; -- said of
a straight line, curve, or surface; as, a line tangent to a
curve; a curve tangent to a surface; tangent surfaces.
Tangent plane (Geom.), a plane which touches a surface in a
point or line.
Tangent scale (Gun.), a kind of breech sight for a cannon.
Tangent screw (Mach.), an endless screw; a worm. Tangent spoke
Tangent spoke Tangent spoke
A tension spoke of a bicycle or similar wheel, secured
tangentially to the hub.
Tangent wheel
Tangent wheel Tangent wheel
(a) A worm or worm wheel; a tangent screw.
(b) A wheel with tangent spokes.
Tangental Tan*gen"tal, a. (Geom.)
TangentialTangential Tan*gen"tial, a. (Geom.)
Of or pertaining to a tangent; in the direction of a tangent.
Tangential force (Mech.), a force which acts on a moving
body in the direction of a tangent to the path of the
body, its effect being to increase or diminish the
velocity; -- distinguished from a normal force, which acts
at right angles to the tangent and changes the direction
of the motion without changing the velocity.
Tangential stress. (Engin.) See Shear, n., 3. Tangential forceTangential Tan*gen"tial, a. (Geom.)
Of or pertaining to a tangent; in the direction of a tangent.
Tangential force (Mech.), a force which acts on a moving
body in the direction of a tangent to the path of the
body, its effect being to increase or diminish the
velocity; -- distinguished from a normal force, which acts
at right angles to the tangent and changes the direction
of the motion without changing the velocity.
Tangential stress. (Engin.) See Shear, n., 3. tangential stressShear Shear, n. [AS. sceara. See Shear, v. t.]
1. A pair of shears; -- now always used in the plural, but
formerly also in the singular. See Shears.
On his head came razor none, nor shear. --Chaucer.
Short of the wool, and naked from the shear.
2. A shearing; -- used in designating the age of sheep.
After the second shearing, he is a two-shear ram; .
. . at the expiration of another year, he is a
three-shear ram; the name always taking its date
from the time of shearing. --Youatt.
3. (Engin.) An action, resulting from applied forces, which
tends to cause two contiguous parts of a body to slide
relatively to each other in a direction parallel to their
plane of contact; -- also called shearing stress, and
tangential stress.
4. (Mech.) A strain, or change of shape, of an elastic body,
consisting of an extension in one direction, an equal
compression in a perpendicular direction, with an
unchanged magnitude in the third direction.
Shear blade, one of the blades of shears or a shearing
Shear hulk. See under Hulk.
Shear steel, a steel suitable for shears, scythes, and
other cutting instruments, prepared from fagots of
blistered steel by repeated heating, rolling, and tilting,
to increase its malleability and fineness of texture. Tangential stressTangential Tan*gen"tial, a. (Geom.)
Of or pertaining to a tangent; in the direction of a tangent.
Tangential force (Mech.), a force which acts on a moving
body in the direction of a tangent to the path of the
body, its effect being to increase or diminish the
velocity; -- distinguished from a normal force, which acts
at right angles to the tangent and changes the direction
of the motion without changing the velocity.
Tangential stress. (Engin.) See Shear, n., 3.
Meaning of Angen from wikipedia
Angen (安元) was a ****anese era name (年号, nengō, lit. "year name")
after Jōan and
before Jishō. This
period spanned the
years from July 1175
through August...
Children in Need is the BBC's UK
charity for
disadvantaged children and
young people in the UK.
Between 1980 and 2023, it
raised over £1 billion. An...
- The
Great Fire of
Angen was a fire that
swept through Heian-kyō (now Kyoto) in 1177,
destroying around a
third of the then
capital city. It was recorded...
- ddim wedi
sefyll yna'n hir. (South) They'll
sleep only when there's a need. Ni
chysgant ond pan fo
Fyddan nhw'n
cysgu ddim ond pan fydd
Swedish belief in älvor see
mainly Schön, Ebbe (1986). "De ****ra
flickorna på
ängen". Älvor, vättar och
andra väsen.
Rabben & Sjogren. ISBN 978-91-29-57688-7...
Jerusalem and
Raynald of
Chatillon defeat Saladin.
During the
third year of the
Angen era in ****an, a fire
devastates Kyoto.
During the winter, the Estonians...
- 5, 8th day of the 3rd month). The
Great Fire of
Angen, so-called
because it
occurred during the
Angen era (1175–1177 CE). The
Great Kyōhō fire, so-called...
- itself. hästen; "the horse" – hästens "the horse's" hästen på den
blommande ängens svarta man; "the
horse in the
flowering meadow's
black mane" In
formal written...
Norihito 憲仁
Emperor Takakura 高倉天皇 1168–1180 (12 years) Nin'an, Kaō, Jōan,
Angen, Jishō 1161–1181 (19 years) Son of
Emperor Go-Shirakawa; half-brother of...
- era name or nengō. Nin'an (1166–1169) Kaō (1169–1171) Jōan (1171–1175)
Angen (1175–1177) Jishō (1177–1181)
Takakura is the "Imperial Sovereign" of the...