Allmogekor (singular Allmogeko, [ˈâlːmuːɡɛˌkuː]) are the
traditional Swedish breeds of cattle. The word
means roughly "rustic cattle".
There are a number...
Local name
English name, if used
Notes Image Allmogekor[3]
grouping of
traditional breeds Bohuskulla[3] Fjällnära boskap[1] Herrgård[1] extinct, merged...
Aliad Dinka —
South Sudan — — — — Alistana-Sanabresa —
Spain — — — —
Allmogekor Taurus Sweden Meat —
Draught — Alur —
Democratic Republic of the Congo...
endangered indigenous cattle breeds, the Ringamålako and the Bohuskulla, as
Allmogekor, or
roughly "Swedish
native cattle".: 307
Conservation and registration...
endangered indigenous cattle breeds, the Ringamålako and the Väneko, as
Allmogekor, or
roughly "Swedish
native cattle".: 307
Conservation and registration...
endangered indigenous cattle breeds, the Väneko and the Bohuskulla, as
Allmogekor, or
roughly "Swedish
native cattle".: 307
Conservation and registration...