famous and
tragicall historie of
pelops and
hippodamia where unto are
adioyned sundrie pleasant deuises, epigrams,
songs and sonnetts. London. "The Princeton...
conceites in Cookery,
found out by the
practise of
Thomas Dawson:
Wherevnto is
adioyned sundry approued receits for many
soueraine oyles, and the way to distill...
Christian Man, and how he may be knowen.
Written in French. ...
Whereunto is
adioyned a
briefe description of the life and
death of the said
authour (set forth...
Cathedrall Church of
Saint Paule,
within the
Citye of London, in 1560. Here are
adioyned at the ende of
euery special treatise,
certain fruitful annotacions called...
famous and
tragicall historie of
Pelops and Hippodamia.
Whereunto are
adioyned sundrie pleasant deuises, epigrams, songes, and sonnettes.
Written by Mathew...
- The
title is
given by
Corser as "The
Castell of Courtesie.
Whereunto is
adioyned the
Holde of Humilitie; with the
Chariot of
Chastitie thereunto annexed...
Sermon preached at
Pauls in
London the 17 of November, 1599.
Whereunto is
adioyned an
Apologeticall Discourse for
observing the 17 of
November yeerely in...
Detected and
corrected by
often and
diligent obseruation.
Whereto is
adioyned, the
right H. the
Earle of ****berland his
voyage to the
Azores in the yeere...
- the
phisicke cure, and
spirituall consolation for such as haue
thereto adioyned an
afflicted conscience,
London (Thomas Vautrollier), 1586, 8vo; another...
- Morton,
somewhat set in
choler by his
advesary P. R. ...
There is also
adioyned a
peece of
reckoning with Syr
Edward Cooke, now LL.
Chief Justice, 1609...