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AcquiesceAcquiesce Ac`qui*esce", v. i. [imp. & p. p. Acquiesced; p.
pr. & vb. n. Acquiescing] [L. acquiescere; ad + quiescere
to be quiet, fr. quies rest: cf. F. acquiescer. See Quiet.]
1. To rest satisfied, or apparently satisfied, or to rest
without opposition and discontent (usually implying
previous opposition or discontent); to accept or consent
by silence or by omitting to object; -- followed by in,
formerly also by with and to.
They were compelled to acquiesce in a government
which they did not regard as just. --De Quincey.
2. To concur upon conviction; as, to acquiesce in an opinion;
to assent to; usually, to concur, not heartily but so far
as to forbear opposition.
Syn: To submit; comply; yield; assent; agree; consent;
accede; concur; conform; accept tacitly. AcquiescedAcquiesce Ac`qui*esce", v. i. [imp. & p. p. Acquiesced; p.
pr. & vb. n. Acquiescing] [L. acquiescere; ad + quiescere
to be quiet, fr. quies rest: cf. F. acquiescer. See Quiet.]
1. To rest satisfied, or apparently satisfied, or to rest
without opposition and discontent (usually implying
previous opposition or discontent); to accept or consent
by silence or by omitting to object; -- followed by in,
formerly also by with and to.
They were compelled to acquiesce in a government
which they did not regard as just. --De Quincey.
2. To concur upon conviction; as, to acquiesce in an opinion;
to assent to; usually, to concur, not heartily but so far
as to forbear opposition.
Syn: To submit; comply; yield; assent; agree; consent;
accede; concur; conform; accept tacitly. Acquiescence
Acquiescence Ac`qui*es"cence, n. [Cf. F. acquiescence.]
1. A silent or passive assent or submission, or a submission
with apparent content; -- distinguished from avowed
consent on the one hand, and on the other, from opposition
or open discontent; quiet satisfaction.
2. (Crim. Law)
(a) Submission to an injury by the party injured.
(b) Tacit concurrence in the action of another. --Wharton.
Acquiescency Ac`qui*es"cen*cy, n.
The quality of being acquiescent; acquiescence.
Acquiescent Ac`qui*es"cent, a. [L. acquiescens, -centis; p.
Resting satisfied or submissive; disposed tacitly to submit;
assentive; as, an acquiescent policy.
Acquiescently Ac`qui*es"cent*ly, adv.
In an acquiescent manner.
AcquiescingAcquiesce Ac`qui*esce", v. i. [imp. & p. p. Acquiesced; p.
pr. & vb. n. Acquiescing] [L. acquiescere; ad + quiescere
to be quiet, fr. quies rest: cf. F. acquiescer. See Quiet.]
1. To rest satisfied, or apparently satisfied, or to rest
without opposition and discontent (usually implying
previous opposition or discontent); to accept or consent
by silence or by omitting to object; -- followed by in,
formerly also by with and to.
They were compelled to acquiesce in a government
which they did not regard as just. --De Quincey.
2. To concur upon conviction; as, to acquiesce in an opinion;
to assent to; usually, to concur, not heartily but so far
as to forbear opposition.
Syn: To submit; comply; yield; assent; agree; consent;
accede; concur; conform; accept tacitly. AcquietAcquiet Ac*qui"et, v. t. [LL. acquietare; L. ad + quies rest.
See Quiet and cf. Acquit.]
To quiet. [Obs.]
Acquiet his mind from stirring you against your own
peace. --Sir A.
Sherley. Acquirability
Acquirability Ac*quir"a*bil"i*ty, n.
The quality of being acquirable; attainableness. [R.]
Acquirable Ac*quir"a*ble, a.
Capable of being acquired.
AcquirementAcquirement Ac*quire"ment (-ment), n.
The act of acquiring, or that which is acquired; attainment.
``Rules for the acquirement of a taste.' --Addison.
His acquirements by industry were . . . enriched and
enlarged by many excellent endowments of nature.
Syn: Acquisition, Acquirement.
Usage: Acquirement is used in opposition to a natural gift or
talent; as, eloquence, and skill in music and
painting, are acquirements; genius is the gift or
endowment of nature. It denotes especially personal
attainments, in opposition to material or external
things gained, which are more usually called
acquisitions; but this distinction is not always
observed. Acquirer
Acquirer Ac*quir"er, n.
A person who acquires.
Acquiry Ac*quir"y, n.
Acquirement. [Obs.] --Barrow.
AcquisiteAcquisite Ac"qui*site, a. [L. acquisitus, p. p. of acquirere.
See Acquire.]
Acquired. [Obs.] --Burton. AcquisitionAcquisition Ac`qui*si"tion, n. [L. acquisitio, fr. acquirere:
cf. F. acquisition. See Acquire.]
1. The act or process of acquiring.
The acquisition or loss of a province. --Macaulay.
2. The thing acquired or gained; an acquirement; a gain; as,
learning is an acquisition.
Syn: See Acquirement. Acquisitive
Acquisitive Ac*quis"i*tive, a.
1. Acquired. [Obs.]
He died not in his acquisitive, but in his native
soil. --Wotton.
2. Able or disposed to make acquisitions; acquiring; as, an
acquisitive person or disposition.
Acquisitively Ac*quis"i*tive*ly, adv.
In the way of acquisition.
Acquisitiveness Ac*quis"i*tive*ness, n.
1. The quality of being acquisitive; propensity to acquire
property; desire of possession.
2. (Phren.) The faculty to which the phrenologists attribute
the desire of acquiring and possessing. --Combe.
Acquisitor Ac*quis"i*tor, n.
One who acquires.
AcquistAcquist Ac*quist", n. [Cf. Acquest.]
Acquisition; gain. --Milton. Acquit
Acquit Ac*quit", p. p.
Acquitted; set free; rid of. [Archaic] --Shak.
Acquitment Ac*quit"ment (-ment), n. [Cf. OF. aquitement.]
Acquittal. [Obs.] --Milton.
Acquittal Ac*quit"tal, n.
1. The act of acquitting; discharge from debt or obligation;
2. (Law) A setting free, or deliverance from the charge of an
offense, by verdict of a jury or sentence of a court.
AcquittanceAcquittance Ac*quit"tance, n. [OF. aquitance, fr. aquiter. See
1. The clearing off of debt or obligation; a release or
discharge from debt or other liability.
2. A writing which is evidence of a discharge; a receipt in
full, which bars a further demand.
You can produce acquittances For such a sum, from
special officers. --Shak. Acquittance
Acquittance Ac*quit"tance, v. t.
To acquit. [Obs.] --Shak.
Acquitter Ac*quit"ter, n.
One who acquits or releases.
Combretum JacquiniRedwithe Red"withe` (r?d"w?th`), n. (Bot.)
A west Indian climbing shrub (Combretum Jacquini) with
slender reddish branchlets. Inacquiescent
Inacquiescent In*ac`qui*es"cent, a.
Not acquiescent or acquiescing.
Nonacquiescence Non*ac`qui*es"cence, n.
Refusal of acquiescence; failure to yield or comply.
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